LEADER AS COACH for organisations
is a two-day programme for organisations wanting to create an empowering coaching culture.
In today’s rapidly evolving and changing world of work, leaders simply cannot be expected to have all the answers all the time. We need to find a way of untapping the potential of others, embracing a shift in mindset towards taking a more developmental approach so we can get the best from people we work with and in turn, deliver great results.
This requires a move towards being a leader that empowers, trusts, and nurtures others which is in essence, leading with a coaching approach.
Leader as Coach is a two-day programme, providing a practical introduction to the core skills of coaching specifically designed for leaders and managers who want to learn how to take a coaching approach at work.
Participants will gain:
• An insight into the inner working of the human mind and what enhances high performance
• Ways of working in relationship that empower others to take more responsibility
• Awareness to recognise when different situations require different responses
• Strategies for being able to empower and develop others quickly and effectively
• A methodology that will help build effective and professional relationships
Participants will leave with:
• A greater awareness of their personal style and how to adapt it to help others
• An understanding of what coaching is and the kinds of skills and qualities you’d need to do it
• A working knowledge of the fundamentals of an effective coaching conversation
• A simple and impactful coaching model to use straight away
• Ways of using a coaching approach to become a more effective leader or manager.
Leader as Coach can be further strengthened by the optional addition of two Action Learning Sets to ensure that the learning is embedded in practice.
All our facilitators are skilled organisational consultants and bring years of experience as transformational coaches as well as training and supporting coaches within a wide variety of settings.